Work Flex:
Your Company's Secret Weapon

How can you win the war for talent? Use the right "ammo" to neutralize the competition and get high performers to accept your offer. Of course, that starts with knowing what top talent really wants (hint: check the article title!):

What do employees want so badly that they would be willing to forego a portion of their salary to receive it?

Better work-life balance.

Employees are under tremendous pressure at home and at work. Baby boomers are often caregivers to aging parents, Generation Xers are raising their families, and millennials are trying to advance their careers and "rise through the ranks."

Today's employees want -- and expect -- more work-flex options.
Due to the rise in mobile applications and cloud computing, flex time is a practical option for many employers, and top talent knows this. If a company doesn't offer flexible options to help them meet both their personal and professional obligations and goals, they will find an employer that does offer those options.

According to Bamboo HR, two of the biggest deal breakers for employees are a lack of flex time and working during off hours. Think you can’t offer flexible options to your team? Consider these facts:

  • 64 million U.S. employees hold jobs that are compatible to a partial telework schedule, according to Global Workplace Analytics.
  • 59 percent of employees in a PGi Telework Survey believe the freedom to telecommute part of the time is ideal.

Winston Resources provides the support you need to deliver greater work flex -- and reduce turnover. Contact us today to learn more

The Flex Work Employee Revolution
So just how far are talented employees willing to go in order to achieve the flexibility they desire?

Research shows that the vast majority of our working population cites flexibility as a top factor in determining the attractiveness of new career opportunities. Many would also concede a portion of their salaries for greater flexibility in their work schedules.

Flex work isn't a fad -- it's a fundamental shift in our world of work.

The True Business Value of Virtual Work Options
The facts are clear. Employees want to be able to work from home, at least on occasion.

But just how does this benefit the company?

Melissa Mayer of Yahoo famously banned telework options a few years ago because she felt it stifled collaboration and creativity. However, Mayer also experienced a great deal of backlash over that decision -- and not just from the working public. Some of that backlash came from employers that utilize flexible options and recognize the true business value of a virtual workforce:

  • According to Global Workplace Analytics (GWA), a typical U.S. business that offered half-time telework could save over $11,000 per employee, per year in real estate, utilities, absenteeism and turnover.
  • Global Workplace Analytics also reports that 95 percent of employers indicate that flexible work options have a positive impact on long-term employee retention.
  • 46 percent of organizations that offer flexible work options experience reduced turnover, according to GWA.
  • 37 percent of 1,500 technology professionals told GWA they would be willing to accept a 10 percent cut in pay in order to have flexible work options.
  • Virtual staff typically return to work faster following serious illness, medical issues and surgery.
  • According to a survey by Connect Solutions, of those who work remotely even a few days a month, 77 percent reported that they get more done while working off-site and 30 percent reported accomplishing more in less time.

Making Flex Time Work for YOU
Working from home, even a few days a month, requires a great deal of focus and concentration. Employees who are highly motivated and properly managed, however, are able to avoid distractions, and many even become more productive when working remotely.

The keys to success? Choosing the right flex options, the right management approach and the right candidates.

Choose the right work flex options.
Not all types of work are equally suited to flexibility. Evaluate positions within your company to identify where you might be able to offer:

  • Flexible start/stop times
  • Telecommuting
  • Job sharing
  • Compressed workweeks

Take the right management approach.
To ensure high performance (whether employees work on- or off-site) and guard against an "us against them" mentality, tweak your approach to management:

  • Choose technology carefully. Consider cloud- or Internet-based vehicles for storing, sharing and collaborating on work. Once you've chosen the people and technology, make sure everyone has the equipment, training and support they need to succeed.
  • Make yourself available. If your employees are working extended hours away from the office, they must feel comfortable contacting you outside the typical nine-to-five. Whenever possible, answer their calls immediately. Respond promptly to voicemails and emails.
  • Foster a sense of community. Combat divisiveness, isolation and insecurity by:
    • Handling sensitive issues with discretion
    • Proactively building relationships between on-site and virtual employees
    • Providing regular, timely feedback for all employees -- no matter where or when they work

Find the right people.

  • Identifying employees who have what it takes to be strong virtual workers takes a bit of skill and a lot of practice. Look for candidates who are disciplined, self-motivated and communicate well in writing.

Winston Resources can help you hire candidates who will thrive in a flexible work environment. Email recruiter Kaye at to get started.