
HR Essentials

A crash course in Human Resources management filled with practical tips and advice to make your HR function as effective as it can be.
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Pre-Need Hiring and Workforce Planning

Pre-need hiring is a strategy that is designed to make sure that there is no significant "lag" or delay in the product development (or delivery) cycle as a result of a shortage of talent. Here is a list of some of the tools and approaches to consider when you use pre-need hiring.
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Staffing for Competitive Advantage

Contingent staffing, outsourcing, behavioral hiring. While the terms refer to different activities, their intent is the same: gain competitive advantage by implementing new tactics and strategies in the hiring and use of labor. This article outlines several popular staffing trends and provides an introduction to their use.
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Straight Talk on Co-Employment Issues, Benefits, and Responsibilities

Co-employment occurs when two or more employers have actual, or potential, legal rights and duties with respect to the same employee or group of employees. So, when you enter into an agreement with a staffing service to provide you with temporary workers, you can potentially become a co-employer.
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The Importance of Succession Planning

Succession planning is an essential part of doing business, no matter how certain your future appears. It's easy to put off planning when everything seems to be going so well, right? Wrong. Now is the time to begin succession planning. Here are some reasons why it can't--and shouldn't--wait.
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The Ins and Outs of Employee Surveys

Employees are critical to the success of your business. Their satisfaction and support are necessary to ensure that your organization is functioning as you would like it to, and satisfied employees can help you to increase productivity, decrease turnover, and improve profits. The Business Research Lab, a leader in employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction surveys, offers the following tips when evaluating your need for and implementation of employee surveys.
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