
Staffing Essentials

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Operating Referral Programs on a Limited Budget

Approximately two-thirds of the employee referral programs in existence operate without a dedicated budget. While many of those programs produce mediocre results, there is proof that programs operating on a limited budget can produce world-class results. A number of best-practice firms have found that it is possible to operate the employer referral program on a limited budget or even with no budget all, if you know how to market and motivate employees. This article covers how referral programs can operate without breaking the bank.
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Pre-Need Hiring and Workforce Planning

Pre-need hiring is a strategy that is designed to make sure that there is no significant "lag" or delay in the product development (or delivery) cycle as a result of a shortage of talent. Here is a list of some of the tools and approaches to consider when you use pre-need hiring.
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Selecting Winners: 6 Steps to Selecting
a High Performance Employee

What constitutes a good employee - a real "winner"? A winner is a person who is successful in your organization. The criteria which make up a winner should be determined case-by-case, based on what makes sense and what works within your organization. This article provides a summary of using a behavioral hiring approach to select and hire "winners" for your business. As a bonus, it includes sample questions to ask when interviewing.
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Staffing Best Practices:
Creating A Staffing System

A staffing system leads people through the hiring process, showing them how to recruit, screen, interview, and hire new employees. This article explains what a staffing system is and how to develop an effective one. It also outlines the benefits of having a good staffing system.

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Staffing for Competitive Advantage

Contingent staffing, outsourcing, behavioral hiring. While the terms refer to different activities, their intent is the same: gain competitive advantage by implementing new tactics and strategies in the hiring and use of labor. This article outlines several popular staffing trends and provides an introduction to their use.
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